As per usual, DDC Financial hosted a successful event, “NPL Management Greece 2021”, gathering the most important figures of the Debt Management and NPL sectors, and Hipoges is honored to have been a sponsor. The event took place in the Divani Caravel Hotel, in Athens, Greece, from October 5th to 6th and provided for a follow-up on subjects previously discussed in the last Greek event. On the other hand, new themes were discussed such as the “directions the Greek NPL market will be taking in 2022”, the post-pandemic “appetite” of companies and investors, between others.

This event did not only count on Hipoges’ Platinum Sponsorship, but also with important members of our company, such us our General Manager & Partner, Hugo Velez.
Hugo Velez was a speaker during the first day of the event, sharing his experience while speaking on the “Loan Servicing: Agility in a Consolidated Market” panel, alongside other key sector figures, such as: Orestis Omran, Partner & Head of EU-Greek Practice at DLA Piper, Angelos Angelidis, President at ESEDA, Minas N. Athanassiadis, Country Manager for APS Recovery Greece and Nikolaos Vardaramatos, CEO of Quant.
In this panel, some points which were discussed were mainly around “loan servicing partners that possess a real work-out experience and mindset” which are now “in high demand”, the “lasting effects of the pandemic” and how that will increase these partners’ relevance, as well as the expectations that NPL transaction volumes will increase and how it will affect market competition.

Also, Nikitas Zisimos, CEO of Alsvit – a Hipoges Iberia company – was present at this event as speaker and was able to share his outlook on the Greek NPL and REO markets on the “REO Management in an Evolving Market”, side-by-side with other thought leaders of the sector.
In the “REO Management in an Evolving Market” panel some of the points discussed were focused on “what is being done to address REOs in the pre and portfolio stage” as markets are shifting in volume, asset classification and pricing, as well as the demand is to be changing in the near future.

This event, which took place in the Divani Caravel Hotel during 5th and 6th of October, had the possibility to be attended online for those who wished to do so. The event had 228 registered participants, 45 speakers from all sorts of Debt Business backgrounds for 11 session, and 24 sponsors. There was a total of 1307 views and 912 sponsors’ booths visitations, making possible to network and talk about future deals and partnerships.
The sectors with highest numbers of attendees were, from first to third place, Debt Servicing, Advisory and Real Estate.
Hipoges took the time to talk a little bit more with DDC Financial, our fantastic host, and highlighted Martin Kunzmann’s words, Content &Production Director for this event company:
“Last week saw DDC’s return to live events with a successful NPL Summit hosted at the 5-star Divani Caravel Hotel in Athens. Set up in a hybrid format with both in-person discussion sessions and virtual streaming and meetings, the event highlighted the strong appetite of key players in this sector of the market to return to the networking benefits that only a live gathering can offer. As one participant put it, he was able to achieve in 2 days what would usually take him 6 weeks of Zoom meetings. With a star lineup of speakers and an opening keynote by Christos Staikouras, the Minister of Finance, many of the sessions gave deep insights and, in some cases, new revelations on the state of the market, milestones achieved and new initiatives from the government.
The Servicing panel expertly moderated by Orestis Omran, Partner at DLA Piper, was made up of market leaders including Hugo Velez, General Manager & Partner at Hipoges Iberia, Minas Athanasiadis, Country Manager of APS Recovery Greece, Nikos Vardaramatos, CEO of Quant Master Servicer and Angelos Angelidis, President of ESEDA. Among other points, it tackled the important issue of how agility can be found in an increasingly consolidated market.”
To watch Hugo Velez’s panel discussion, “Loan Servicing: Agility in a Consolidated Market”, please feel free to check DDC Financials’ YouTube channel. You can also check Nikita Zisimo’s intervention on the “REO Management in an Evolving Market” panel.