Once more, Hipoges was present at a very successful event hosted by DDC Financial. This event, “NPL Management Greece 2021” was totally virtual, as per the last few events hosted within the industry, and Hipoges was its Platinum Sponsor.
“NPL Management Greece 2021” was an event that took advantage of the brilliant key speakers to better understand the Greek NPL market. After the success that the “Greek NPL Investing & Management Summit” was, back in October 2020, this second part was as well successful, and it provided a follow-up on the contents previously discussed during the first series, alongside with the thoughts and expectations about the Greek market’s behavior within the next trimesters.

The DDC Financial event “NPL Management Greece 2021”, where Hipoges was Platinum Sponsor, had the goal of providing with insight about the big questions surrounding the Greek NPL market and how this post-pandemic investor appetite will impact Greece and Europe. Other relevant topics where discussed, such as the developments in the banking sector, “impact of securitization” and “analysis on the success of the various initiatives and schemes launched to address real world challenges”, DDC added.
Hugo Velez, our General Manager & Partner, was able to share his vast experience in the sector by participating in the panel “Servicing Outlooks”, alongside other Thought Leaders as him. The panel, which happened on the second event day, was described as “a discussion on the challenges faced by servicers in today’s economic climate and adaptive measures taken. Across-the-board suspension of property auctions until June 1st, debtor protection plans, and other challenges are in the road ahead. What operational changes and tech innovations are being employed in the recovery of each of the key asset classes in a post-Covid era?”.

Richard Bevan, Director within the Portfolio lead Advisory Team at Deloitte, was the moderator and set the motto of the panel when explaining “Greece has been amongst, if not the most active NPL market in Europe over the last couple of years with the initial focus around NPL portfolio sales and more recently transactions focused on platform carveouts and under the HAPS structure. That said, and with the onset of the current crises it seems that the NPL clean-up in Greece is never-ending”, asking then to our General Manager & Partner “What challenges are you seeing in today’s economic environment and how have servicers adapted to them?”.
The panel had the participation of other important key figures that together with Hugo Velez were able to discuss the expectations on the Greek NPL market, what will the pandemic bring on and how will Greece’s markets will adapt to the ever-changing global economy.

The event had 483 registered participants and a total of 2062 views. The sectors with best representation were Real Estate, which represented a total of 18% of viewership, then Banking, with 17%, followed by Advisory/Legal and Investors, both with 11% of representation within the audience. This wonderful DDC Financial event, “NPL Management Greece 2021”, had 52 speakers, 22 sponsors (between which Hipoges was as Platinum Sponsor), and culminated in 11 sessions and 1302 sponsor booth views.