DDC Financial presented us one more successful event on the NPL industry, “The Global Debt Business Forum”, where Hipoges was present as Platinum Sponsor. First and foremost, it is with pleasure that Hipoges associates itself with such brands, that raise important questions and discussion on the various markets we work on. The event occurred between the 22nd and 23rd of June, virtually, and gathered the some of the most important companies of the Debt Business industry.
This event could also count on the participation of our Executive Director of Advisory, Pedro Valle-Domingues, who was a speaker at the “Iberia – NPL Portfolios & REO Deals” panel, alongside other important figures of the sector.

The “Global Debt Business Forum” focused on the consequences of a “tumultuous 2020”, by analyzing “key areas of the global debt investing market with the aims of highlighting new investment opportunities, establishing new connections, educating, and preparing for business to take off in 2H 2021 & 2022”.
The DDC Financial event gathered “some of the world’s leading distressed investing experts” so they were able to present their outlooks on “global and regional markets”, including “current and expected developments on Debt Management issues, NPL Investments & Management, REO, Fintech, Family Offices, Private Equity & Investment Groups across regions including Southern and Western Europe, US, and China”.

Our Executive Director of Advisory, Pedro Valle-Domingues, was a speaker at the “Iberia – NPL Portfolios & REO Deals” panel, as said above. This panel had 1712 integrations on the event app made by the participants and had as focus the “new developments and key drivers in post-covid Spain & Portugal” as well as the “heavy dependence on pandemic relief programs with over 20% of total loans under moratoria, the pressure on bank’s balance sheets will increase and NPLs will rise”. The opening question that led into an interesting discussion between Pedro and his peers was “Is the system equipped to cope?”, under the moderation of Tiago Correia Moreira, Partner Banking & Finance at Vieira de Almeida, a prominent Portuguese law firm.

This successful event, hosted by DDC Financial with the Hipoges’ sponsorship, had 204 registered participants and 25 speakers, from different businesses and companies within the Financial Sector.
Besides Hipoges’ Platinum sponsorship, there were 14 other sponsors and partners, making possible 5 interesting sessions with a total of 576 views. At the event, 23 countries were represented, being Portugal with most representation (almost 25%), followed by Spain (15%) and Greece (a bit over 10%). From these countries, the industries with bigger representation were Asset Management, followed by Advisory and then Distressed Investor.