Last Thursday, the 15th of December, Hipoges was a winner of the 9th Health & Business Award. The event took place at Rastro Space in Madrid and was attended by those responsible for the projects most valued by the jury. Representing Hipoges was Juan Neble, Director of Human Resources of Spain, along with Begoña Aparicio, Senior Human Resources Consultant, who also supports the company’s wellness and CSR areas.
Hipoges, as a company that focuses on the well-being of all people on its team, presented all the initiatives and actions that happened during this year of 2022 on the 9th Health & Business Awards, focusing on the health and happiness of employees.
The theme of the 9th Health & Business Award is the health and well-being of the companies’ workforce. Therefore, strategies, policies, activities, and initiatives carried out by Hipoges were evaluated. Not only was Hipoges evaluated globally, but also – and especially – for its 360º wellness plan – HipoCare.
The 2022 HipoCare strategy that won the 9th Health & Business Award
The goal of HipoCare is to take care of all the people on the Hipoges team, improving their well-being and happiness, both inside and outside the company, through policies, activities and initiatives focused on well-being, nutrition, and the environment. These initiatives are planned by the Human Resources department.
The implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) actions is one of the pillars of the Hipoges’ strategy. Social, ecological, economic and good governance performance is integrated at all levels of the company, with the aim of making the world around us a better place.
The HipoCare 2022 initiatives for the 9th Health & Business Award
The company’s commitment focuses on the well-being of the entire Hippoges family. Since 2019, different initiatives have been developed with the goal of taking care of the group’s employees. Therefore, it was with great pleasure that Hipoges presented itself as a candidate for the 9th RRHHDigital Health & Business Award. The policies and initiatives carried out through the HipoCare program are divided into 4 axes: Body, Mind, Finance and Flexibility. These are included in the 3 major pillars that create HipoCare: HipoHealth (Wellness), HipoFresh (Nutrition) and EcoGes (Environment).
HipoHeath Initiatives
- Agreements with Pilates and Yoga Centers
- Agreements with physiotherapy centers for the recovery and/or prevention of musculoskeletal disorders
- Ergonomic workshops
- Group Pilates classes in the workplace and in yoga centers
- Sporting events: inter-companies’ football and rowing leagues, as well as races and marathons. There are also other types of teams and sports meetings, which are within Corporate Sports in Portugal.
- In order to continue to invest in initiatives that improve camaraderie and relations between our team members, we have Gaddex (for now, only in Spain), a platformthat aims to create socialization plans outside the workplace.
- Pink October and Movember initiatives, which contribute to the awareness of female and male diseases, respectively.
- Smart Working model, that aims to improve work-life balance. Policies such as flexible hours, reduced working hours during the summer and every Friday, 1 and half day of remote work per week, free birthday day, among others, contribute to the Hipoges work model.

HipoFresh Initiatives
- Fruit Day celebrated once a week, to help introducing healthy habits into the workplace.
- Healthy vending machines with delicious alternative options with fewer sugars, fats, salt, and calories.
- Healthy breakfasts that let you turn off work while enjoying a great breakfast offered by the company with colleagues.

EcoGes Initiatives
- Replacement of plastic products with other less polluting materials
- Use of energy-efficient products
- Recycling point in all offices
- Welcome pack with eco friendly or recycled products.

The jury present at the 9th RRHHDigital Health & Business Award 2022 was composed of Lola Ortuño (Director of Human Relations at L’Oréal Spain & Portugal), Viscasilhas de Belén (Head of Health and Welfare at Ferrovial), Mayte Gómez (Country Manager of HR Iberia Cluster at Electrolux), Luis Tron Tron (Chief of Staff for Staff and Culture BP at Roche), Óscar Romero (Director of the People Group and Organization of the Donte Group), Ruth Hernández (Director of People and Culture at Alsa), Jaime Castel (HR Director of Konecta) and Mónica García Ingelmo (Benefits Manager, Management of HR and Occupational Health at Orange Spain).
Click on the link to learn more about other Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives undertaken by Hipoges.