As is tradition, Hipoges celebrated its famous themed Christmas dinner, which this year was named HipoFlix. During the month of December, Christmas dinners were held both in the offices of Portugal (Lisbon and Porto) with those of Spain (Madrid, Barcelona, and Valencia). Once again, Hipoges offered the opportunity to create memories amongst colleagues during the Christmas season, in a great space of celebration.
This year, the theme was HipoFlix, a word composed of the union of Hipoges with the famous audiovisual content platform, Netflix. This theme was chosen to honor the films and series that were developed throughout this year, alluding to the company’s portfolios and other projects, large and small. For example, this year feature films such as SAREB were produced, as well as miniseries such as Orion or Gerês. Each person who works at Hipoges was a star, a producer or a director, and during the night of the Christmas dinner they dressed up as the character of their favorite series or film.
In addition, at the Hippoges Christmas dinner, the winners of the HipoFlix awards were presented. These prizes aimed to distinguish the stars of the year, giving them their deserved recognition, both locally and globally. These winners were voted by their colleagues.
Christmas dinner in Portugal
Lisbon Christmas Dinner
The Hipoges Christmas dinner in Lisbon took place on the 9th of December, at the Monte Mar Lisboa restaurant. In total, about 160 people from the Hipoges family were present.
Without exception, the local HipoFlix awards were presented to their winners during the Hippoges Christmas dinner in Lisbon. These were the winners:
- Award for Best Team Player: Jorge Valente, Valuation & Technical Due Diligence department.
- Make it Happen Find a Way Award: Anabela Semedo, from the Human Resources department: “I’ve been at Hipoges for almost 13 years, growing with this company and every day finding a way, the best way, to keep making it happen for another 13 years, if you let me.”
- Inspiration Award: Margarida Maia, member of Management.

Christmas Dinner Oporto
The Christmas dinner of Hipoges in Oporto took place on the 7th of December, at the Pestana Douro Riverside Hotel. In total, more than 140 people from the Hipoges family were present.
Here, the local awards for the Hipoges Christmas dinner in Porto were distributed as follows:
- Award for Best Team Player: Soraia Rasoilo, from the Retail Loans department, who told us that “for me, being a Team Player is natural because I am part of a team. And when I win, I’m not the only one who wins. In a way, I finish the work of a huge group of people, and we all benefit from it. I believe that teamwork is what generates success and not just an individual.”
- Make it Happen Find a Way Award: Marta Mendes, Real Estate department. Marta shared a few words of pride: “Choose a job you like, and you won’t have to work a single day of your life.” Embracing the Hipoges’ mission makes me believe that when you “wear the thsirt”, gratitude for what is done increases. Thank you for recognizing my work, which will certainly be a mark in my professional life. A “thank you” to all of those who, every day, help me “make it happen”.”
- Inspiration Award: André Donas, from the Corporate Services department. Without missing the opportunity, Donas added that “working at Hipoges is like traveling on a high-speed train that allows us to evolve rapidly, both personally and professionally. It is a great pleasure to work in such a dynamic and results-oriented environment, where everyone truly lives the spirit of “making it happen”!”
Christmas dinner in Spain
Madrid Christmas Dinner
The Hipoges Christmas dinner in Madrid took place on the 16th of December, in the Exhibition Hall of the Duques de Pastrana Complex, located at Paseo de la Habana 208, in the capital. In total, more than 600 people from the Hipoges family were present.
At a key moment of the night, local HipoFlix prizes were awarded to their winners:
- Award for Best Team Player: David Benítez, Information Systems & Data Analytics department. After the awards ceremony, Benítez wanted to share a few words of reflection and gratitude with the entire Hipoges team: “At Hipoges we get used to the exorbitant growth, constant adaptation to new challenges, stress caused by the underlying urgency of the business, and it is unthinkable to think about surviving all of this if we are not playing in a team, which encompasses the whole company. For a manager, life would probably be more complicated if you didn’t have a system to rely on, automatisms that take away routine tasks and reports that allow you to consult information of your assets, just as for my team it would not be possible to work if that manager did not record their work with sufficient quality to be exploited in these automatisms or in customer reports. My mission from day one has been to always help the routine work that any department of Hipoges must do, making overall results more efficient and adding time and quality to others. That is why I am very happy that, from different departments, I received recognition for my work and have been nominated for this award. I encourage everyone to try to work in harmony with the other teams and colleagues.”
- Make it Happen Find a Way Award: Mayka Vaquerizo, Department of Office Management.
- Inspiration Award: Gonzalo Martínez, from the Real Estate department, added that “I take my profession as a path. A path where I meet other people and where sometimes I’m a student and sometimes I’m a teacher. And in which I encounter daily challenges that must be overcame. Growth and personal self-knowledge turn out to be the prize that no one sees before I even got to this stop on my path.”

Valencia Christmas Dinner
The Hipoges Christmas dinner in Valencia took place on the 2nd of December at the Huerto de San Rafael in Carrer Oriola de Picanya, Valencia. In total, almost 200 people from the Hipoges family marked their presence.
At this dinner, the winners of the HipoFlix awards, voted by their colleagues, were as follows:
- Award for Best Team Player: Daniela Estévez, Portfolio Administration department. After receiving the award, Estévez said: “Hipoges has always been marked by growth and constant challenge, which requires a solid team with structured goals. It was gratifying to receive this recognition, both for me and for my entire team. The commitment, dedication and focus on goals is reflected in the results and this award has been a clear message to continue “to make it happen, to find the way” – the path that is a team effort and I am sure we will continue to make it possible.”
- Make It Happen Find a Way Award: Alexandra Ferrándiz, Real Estate department.
- Inspiration Award: Alberto Genovard, from the Real Estate department, who also wanted to share a few words: “I am deeply grateful to all the teams of Hipoges in Valencia for the award. Although it was totally unexpected, it’s a finishing touch to a 2022 with a lot of changes for me, and in which I grew up as a professional, as a leader and as a person. I don’t believe in coincidences – if we didn’t have the human and professional quality of all my colleagues there wouldn’t be a TEAM to which I try to humbly contribute every day with my small part. This award is theirs and for them. Thank you for giving me that extra motivation that makes me come every morning to face all our challenges.”
Barcelona Christmas Dinner
The Hipoges Christmas dinner in Barcelona took place on the 15th of December in the restaurant Arde Barcelona. In total, more than 120 people from the Hipoges family participated.
As in the rest of the cities, the HipoFlix awards were also presented in Barcelona:
- Award for Best Team Player: Cristina Gómez, Corporate Loans department. Gómez assures that “since I came to Hipoges I had the great luck to meet colleagues willing to give a hand with anything, but above all willing to create a good atmosphere and group cohesion. In an environment like this, where moods can be contagious, it’s nice to work with people like that. It’s not about sacrificing the “I” for “team”, it’s about creating a “we”. That’s why hearing my name at the awards ceremony was very touching. Again: thank you all.”
- Make it Happen Find a Way Award: Gonzalo Casero, Retail Loans departmenet: “For me, honestly, it was a great thrill to receive this award, and I want to thank all my colleagues for their trust in me, both at work and in my person. Feeling that my colleagues appreciate my work makes the day-to-day much easier and gives me extra motivation. I will always remember a sentence I say to my daughters when they’re sad “if the day doesn’t smile at you, you smile at it.”
- Inspiration Award: Laura Nuñez, Retail Loans department: “It is an honor, and I am humbly grateful for the trust placed in me in giving me this award, and for all the values involved in this category. The setbacks, the difficult moments, and every step we took with great effort to achieve our goals were worth it, which indicates that it was not in vain. No doubt I’m surrounded by people who inspire me to be better every day. Thank you so much for motivating me to continue to have the highest level of dedication in this work, because it undoubtedly gives me a purpose and a craving to improve.”
HipoFlix Global Awards
In addition to the local awards, Hipoges also awarded, within the same categories, globally. With this, it was possible to vote for people from other offices, something that we considered necessary due to the exponential growth of the Hipoges team and due to the number of projects shared between people from different departments, offices and countries.
Thus, the winners of the Hipoges Christmas Dinner 2022 global awards, distributed in Madrid, were:
- Award for Best Team Player: Milena Gonzalo, Corporate Loans department: “Something that makes you feel motivated to continue working day after day in a company like Hipoges, with such a fast work culture, is undoubtedly recognition by colleagues. Therefore, this award is dedicated to all the people who have trusted me and my work, and I encourage you to never to give up, to continue to fight for your dreams and, above all, to continue to work as a team, one of the fundamental pillars of the culture of Hipoges. For me, it is an honor to receive this recognition, because in the end, all the effort and setbacks were worth it and I feel very proud of my entire team and of belonging to this great family that is Hipoges. Thank you, thank you and thank you very much”
- Make it Happen Find a Way Award: Nuno Godinho, member of Management. “I am very honored to receive this award and would like to thank everyone who voted for me. I would like to dedicate this award to my amazing teams, without all their hard work it would be impossible to be recognized, because I am the mirror of their attitude and performance.”
- Inspiration Award: Hugo Velez, General Manager & Partner of Hipoges.
Find out more about other Hipoges events.