After the fourth and final quarter of 2022, the 16th edition of the Hipoges Newsletter was launched in which you can find news that keeps everyone up to date on the real estate sector, interesting data and relevant information related to the different areas where the company operates, as well as other pieces more focused on the people of the Hipoges team. As such, today we launch the editorial of the Hipoges Corporate Newsletter 4Q 2022 in which Nikitas Zisimos, CEO Alsvit and Hipoges Hellas, shares a few words about the dedication of the Hipoges team, the importance of people and the success of the business.
Editorial by Nikitas Zisimos for the Corporate Newsletter
In the editorial of the Hipoges Corporate Newsletter 4Q 2022, Nikitas Zisimos expresses his pride after all the work, effort and challenges overcame by the entire Hipoges Group, but with a special focus on Greece.
“Last year was without a doubt the most successful year in the history of Hipoges, to date. More new clients, more portfolios including the largest one ever closed, new offices, new people, new acquisitions.
The challenges were great, however the Hipoges team did what it does best. Pulled together, rose to the challenge, and showed yet again why “together we can”. As Booker T. Washington said, “You measure the size of the accomplishment by the obstacles you have to overcome to reach your goals.”
In Greece, we tried to follow the frantic pace set by Spain and Portugal.
As you may know, due to the regulatory framework in Greece, we are obliged to work through 2 separate companies, one for Real Estate (Hipoges Alsvit) and one for NPL servicing (Hipoges Hellas).
In the RE market, we have already managed to establish Hipoges Alsvit as a leading REO services provider and the reliable quality partner for banks, investors and NPL servicers. We have achieved our target to establish business relations with almost the entire range of possible clients in the Greek Market. Even the carve-out mega servicers that have come out of the major banks -which consider us as potential competitor, – have us in the top of their list of preferred providers.
In the NPL space, Hipoges Hellas, accelerated its effort to establish itself as the upcoming major, international force in the market, making significant advancements in the last quarter of 2022.
Apart from the business and financial targets achieved, we managed in 2022 to merge our Greek mentality with the corporate culture of the Group. It was an area, that due to Covid restrictions in previous years, didn’t have the opportunity to develop, so in 2022 we tried to make the best of it, with frequent visits of various teams from Greece to Spain/Portugal, and vice versa.
This year we also had another two significant achievements with huge positive impact on our corporate image and personnel wellbeing. The first one was the opening of Thessaloniki office and the second being the relocation of the Athens office to a new spacious modern office building, architecturally adjusted to the corporate design and colors of Hipoges Group.
So, a big “Thank you” is in order, for the people and teams who have worked hard towards achieving the challenging targets set.
What about 2023? What’s next for Greece?
Clearly our target is to maintain our top position in the RE market, to develop further our NPL servicing activity, by being actively involved in the NPL secondary market that is slowly starting s to emerge.
Two major factors are working in our favor. Firstly, Hipoges is an international Group bringing its deep experience and best practice in the Greek market and secondly, several of the clients-investors that are active in Spain, Portugal, and Italy, are also interested to be engaged in the Greek market.
Let me close by saying that I feel excited for the challenges ahead, knowing that we will face those as a team, so…
Let’s get it started!“

Nikitas Zisimos for the Editorial of the Hipoges Newsletter 4Q 2022
For Hipoges, it is essential to continuously work on cross-sectional communication, both external and internal, improving the development and interpersonal knowledge of employees in each department and office of Hipoges. That’s why we deal with all the information in detail, giving it importance in all communications. And today we can share the Editorial by Nikitas Zisimos, CEO Alsvit and Hipoges Hellas, which can also be read in the Hipoges Corporate Newsletter 4Q 2022.
If you are interested in learning more, do not miss the latest news about the company, the events in which Hipoges participates, new acquisitions, challenges and more.