In this third edition of the Hipoges Corporate Newsletter, we are pleased to share an interview with Adrián González, Director of Information Systems & Data Analytics in Spain. In each issue, we dedicate a space to get to know one of our team members better, giving an insight into their role and experiences in the company. In addition, each edition offers a rich selection of content, including news from the real estate and NPL sector, initiatives in which we have participated, relevant data from our areas of activity and news from the different companies in the group.
We invite you to discover the full interview with Adrián González and explore his perspective and contribution to Hipoges’ success.
Interview with Adrián González in the Hipoges Newsletter 3Q 2024
1. Who is Adrian Gonzalez? Tell us a little about yourself and your background.
“My entire professional career has been linked to Hipoges. At the age of 21, fresh out of my degree in Computer Engineering, I had my first interview with Pelayo and Claudio for an internship in a small analysis department that at that time had only 6 people. Today, 12 years later, I am still here, but in a completely transformed Hipoges, managing the information systems area. In this time, I have reinvented myself so many times that I have lost count. I look back and smile as I remember how hard it was from doing Fermat portfolio closure to developing a process for legal documentation to upload ‘on its own’ to MIS – the pre-HAMS system. Things that sound so ordinary today, but at the time were pure magic.
As for me, I would say that I am a very curious person and that I really enjoy the simplest plans, as long as I can share them with the people I love. If you ask those who know me, they will tell you that I am a positive person, always looking for an excuse to celebrate anything.”
2. What are your everyday responsibilities?
“My daily responsibilities are, in very high detail, to make sure that all areas of this company (and the companies of the group) have the best technological tools to carry out their daily operations. For this reason, we currently have the team divided into different areas: HAMS Development (our flagship system), systems integration (for communication between HAMS and other support subsystems such as HipogesWorks or Portal Real Estate), support and maintenance systems, etc. Basically, we must be able to detect business needs in the rest of the teams to propose and implement a technological solution increasing the company’s productivity.”
“One of the biggest challenges of my current position as Information Systems Director is managing the transition of roles throughout my career in the company. Having started as an intern, I have moved through several positions, and it is inevitable that sometimes, I still carry over roles and responsibilities from earlier stages. It is sometimes difficult to clearly define which tasks I should delegate and which I should take on directly as a director. This can create an expectation not only in myself, but also in the team, who still see me as the reference person for solving specific technical issues.
3. What are the challenges of a position like yours?
“It is a fundamental part of my job to coordinate multidisciplinary teams within the technological area of the system. That is to say, for a given solution, both technicians and analysts must be able to understand each other, and my role is to provide the tools so that this understanding is fluid, facilitating teamwork.”
4. And what do you like most about this position?
“What I enjoy the most about my position is helping to unblock any issue we may face when executing each project we develop within the area. Moreover, I also love feeling proud of my team every time I see how the solutions we implement have a positive impact on the company’s efficiency.”
5. In your opinion, what are the main attributes that an area director should have?
“To summarise, I believe the following skills are indispensable: Leadership, strategic vision, effective communication, empathy, adaptability, and decision making.”
6. What are the future prospects of the market in which Hipoges develops its activity?
“The future of the Hipoges sector will be driven by digitalisation and the adoption of technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and automation. These tools will improve efficiency in our operations and allow us to offer more personalised solutions to our customers. The integration of systems and the automation of processes will be key to increasing operational agility, reducing times, and optimising decisions. In short, technological innovation will be a decisive factor for our growth and success in an increasingly competitive sector.
For this reason, from this year 2024 we have promoted the training of our teams in new methodological areas, and it is our objective for the following year to implement tools that increase our levels of productivity and software quality.”
7. What do you think is the most outstanding attribute of your team?
“The most remarkable attribute of my team is the loyalty and honesty with which they work every day. It is a real luxury to be able to count on such a committed team, who are always ready to give their best. Knowing that I can trust them completely, that they are always transparent and straightforward in the way they act, makes me feel very fortunate as a leader.
In addition, the fellowship, and the good atmosphere we have reached to create is something I greatly value. Even though we face demanding challenges, mutual support, cooperation, and a positive attitude always prevail. This not only allows us to achieve our goals, but also to enjoy our daily work. Having such a team makes any challenge much more bearable and rewarding.”
8. Finally, what would you say to someone who has just joined Hipoges?
“To someone who has just joined Hipoges I would say that you are in an ideal environment to learn and develop professionally, but I would also warn you that it is a very demanding and dynamic place. It is a place where every day gives you the opportunity to face new challenges. Not forgetting that it is constantly changing, so it requires a great capacity for constant adaptation.
My advice would be to use this volatility as an opportunity for growth: if you are proactive, have a positive attitude and are not afraid to step out of your comfort zone, you will find here a space to develop. It is true that effort and dedication are key, but you will always have colleagues willing to support you and share their knowledge.”

Hipoges is firmly committed to the development and visibility of its team, it is essential to know the people who drive the success of its projects every day. Through these quarterly interviews, we want to offer an authentic and close view of those who are part of our various departments and their perspectives on the sector, in this case the interview was conducted with Adrián González Director of Information Systems & Data Analytics.
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