Corporate Social Responsibility

Pink October and Movember: The Hipoges CSR Initiatives of the Last 2 Months 1200 514 Hipoges

Pink October and Movember: The Hipoges CSR Initiatives of the Last 2 Months

During the months of October and November, Hipoges’ CSR initiatives were focused on Pink October and Movember. The Pink October refers to the Breast Cancer Month, on which the 19th…

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Evento DDC Financial Mercado NPL Europeu Management Hipoges Claudio Panunzio Imobiliário
Hipoges Attended the Latest DDC Financial Event on the European NPL Market 2560 1704 Hipoges

Hipoges Attended the Latest DDC Financial Event on the European NPL Market

On November 3 & 4, Hipoges was present at the “NPL Management Europe” summit, which took place at the Madrid Marriott Auditorium, and was pleasantly hosted by DDC Financial Group.…

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HipoGes’ New and Revolutionary Business Cards 1263 589 Hipoges

HipoGes’ New and Revolutionary Business Cards

We are pleased to announce that we have developed a project that affects everyone who works at HipoGes and that reinvents the concept of business cards. Thanks to the collaboration…

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HipoGes Iberia Obtains The Happy Index At Work Certification 1569 799 Hipoges

HipoGes Iberia Obtains The Happy Index At Work Certification

We are proud to announce that HipoGes has obtained the Happy Index At Work certificate. Based 100% on employee feedback, this certification is given by Choose My Company which recognizes…

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HipoGes & Women. HipoGes Congratulates International Women’s Day to its Female Workers 150 150 Hipoges

HipoGes & Women. HipoGes Congratulates International Women’s Day to its Female Workers

The role of women in companies is getting greater step by step. At HipoGes we are so proud of this change in society, but we know that there is still…

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Townhall 2018. HipoGes Iberia Celebrated its Traditional Townhall 150 150 Hipoges

Townhall 2018. HipoGes Iberia Celebrated its Traditional Townhall

HipoGes Iberia celebrated its traditional Townhall last March 2nd, an annual meeting where different presentations are held by managers, partners and employees in order to evaluate the company´s past, present…

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